The library will be closed Thursday, July 4th. Normal operating hours will resume Friday, July 5th.



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Great Courses

Logo for access to Great Courses database

 Never stop learning with enriching courses by the world's greatest professors and experts on history, science, religion, health, travel, and more.

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Heritage Hub

Heritage Hub database

Discover the premier collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices for genealogical research, 1704 - today

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Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center

Access to database Hobbies and crafts

This database offers detailed "how-to" instructions and creative ideas to meet the interests of virtually every hobby enthusiast. Full text is provided from leading hobby and craft magazines.

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Job & Career Accelerator

Logo for Job & Career Accelerator

An online career guidance system designed to assist in career selection and job searches. It provides help with building resumes, cover letters and finding job opportunities.

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Learning Express Library

Learning Express database

Organized into targeted learning centers, LearningExpress Library supports those looking to improve core academic skills, pass the GED, prepare for college, join the military, obtain occupational certification, find a job, chang

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LinkedIn Learning

Logo for LinkedIn learning
Online learning courses. To access use your entire library card number with no spaces and the PIN you use to access your library materials account.
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LOTE 4Kids

Logo for LOTE for kids

LOTE4Kids is our new online database of digital books in World Languages, that allows kids to enjoy the magic of books in LOTE (Languages Other Than English). Each book also comes with English translations to help kids learn languages.

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